Thursday 20 October 2016

Travelling to Leake Street:

On Friday 4th November we are travelling to Leake Street, London to film our graffiti shots, as shown in our animatic. These shots will consist of tracking shots  of Jack skating down the tunnel, portraying all the contemporary art created by street artists. Another shot we will take will be some lip syncing shots, that we will use at various times throughout the music video. The costume we will use at this location will be a blue puffer coat, black jeans, black vans and a tanned coloured cap. Some of the props we are going to use are going to consist of a backpack and cigarettes. We are going to the Leake Street tunnel as we feel this urbanised area highlights the edginess of our character. The graffiti that is spread out within the tunnel will also create amazing visual effects for shots that we want to create.

Age Ratings - BBFC:

Friday 14 October 2016


The feedback we got from our audience was the following;

  • Try to use more of the fast paced editing were the frame cuts speed up with the repetitive beat. Lampost shots.
  • Use central london and business men as a way of comparing the young charcaters life to older people such as bussiness men who are always busy. Use waterloo station to show how busy london is and a close up shot of the artist.
  • Slow motion shots use a DSLR to do this in premier pro.
In response to this we have come up with shots such as the comparision of a youths enegrtic life to the adult standard lifetsyle of going to work and back, so to do ths we thought it would be a good idea to have mid shots showing people coming off the train and possibly having shots within the rush which can then dispurse through the crowd and then fade out into a shot showing our charcter at a close angle walking through the south bank towards the skate park.

Also in reation to the lampost shot where we used fast editing it had a postiive effect that we wanted to portray which was that his lifetyle is very rapid and energetic, so we made sure that there are more shots encorporated that have the same effect as this such as when he is in the skate park there will be a variety of shots showing peopel skate boarding but cut short to link with the other fast paced editing shot.

Record Label Choices:

Costume, Props and Planning:

This constructs our star image of a skater boy as Jack's clothing is going to be very fashionable and stylish yet have a edgy feel to it by the use of black vans and a hat. The use of the props of a skateboard and a backpack also adds to this style as these are stereotypically associated with this look. We chose to use simple colours to represent the divide within his personalities and to show there is two different sides to him, by the change in costume.

Location, Research and Planning:

Friday 7 October 2016


We chose these shots to show a range of different angles of London. For example, at the beginning we have a range of establishing shots to show different parts of London and so the audience can connect with the places we are filming e.g at Waterloo, Namco and the skate park. We also chose to use a lot of tracking shots of Jack on his skateboard to show that he's the main character and that he's the main focus for the video. In addition, we alos wanted to include a few other shots such as close ups and mid-shots so that our viewers can see Jack's costumers and props and how they really link to our theme of a 'skater boy'.