Tuesday 13 December 2016

Photos for our album cover:

We're going to use these photos for one side of our album cover, where Jack's face is going to be divided. So one side is going to have him with his coat on and the other side is going to be him with his hood up. These is going to portray two personalilties 
to Jack.

We are going to use the sakteboard as the CD cover photo. So it looks like the skateboard is going throught the whole CD. We decided to do this as the skateboard is one of our main props in the music video and says a lot about our artist, so we thought it would represent our album well.

Filming 7 - Skate Park

On the 13th December we went back to the skat park to get some more shots of Jack lip-syncing and riding the skate board. This was pretty difficult for us as the weather was very rainy and windy, so made it hard for all our shots to look the same. We may edit our shots on PremierPro by increasing the brightness, to make them look like our other shots. 
We got more shots of Jack on the skateboard to really portray our star image to our audience and show that Jack's image is like a skater boy who has two personalities. One side of Jack is quite sociable and the other side is dark and quiet. We also got some more lip-sycning shots, to show the main focus of our video is Jack and that his hobbies are skateboarding.

This shot of Jack's reflection in the puddle can show he's quite isolated and keeps himself to himself. 
All we really need to do now is edit these clips in and maybe go back to the skate park one last time when it's a bit more sunny to get some more shots.

Friday 9 December 2016

Ancillary Products - digipack for album

1 - Jack is going to be in the middle of a busy area, and we are going to adjust the shutter speed and ISO on the camera, to get the middle behind him walk very fast but the camera still be focused on Jack.
2 - Our CD is going to have the initials JF on for Jack Ford, the name of our artist.
3 - We are going to have 2 photos of Jack, one of him facing to the right and one of him facing to the left, on top of a ramp at the skate park. This is going to show 2 different side to Jack's personality.
4 - We are going to have many photos of Jack riding his skateboard up the road and put them on top of each other, but change the opacity to make it look like he's riding away.
5 - We are going to have a long shot of the road, Jack standing on one side of it and focus the camera on him, with his skateboard. On the other side we are going to have the name of our songs.
6 - Our front cover is going to consist of 2 different images of Jack; one of him just normally and the other with his hood up to show there's a dark side to him. We have named our album 'Divided' to show Jack has 2 sides to him and that he's a mysterious character.

Pinterest Board

I chose these photos as they link in with our star image of a 'skater boy'. I also added in the location of London as our music video is based a lot around London and skate parks to really portray our star image to our audience.
These images show our artist as being quite lonely yet active as he's in a busy city, skateboarding and learning about London. It can show that he is interested in different people as in our music video we have businessmen compare to skater boys, to show a contrast of personalities and life styles.

Filming #6 - shadows

On Friday 9th December, we filmed in school to get some more lip-syncing shots and close up shots of Jack's face. We did this by projected a pattern onto his face and then filming his face and lip-syncing to no diggity. We did this to add some thing else to our video without changing the location or the costume. We used a DSLR camera, tripod and an LED light. The LED light made the white background a lot more pure and crisp and everything a lot more in focus. This allowed us to have more lip-sycning shots with something 'different' to them. It gives them more of an interesting look, instead of just filming Jack, as we thought that could get a bit tideous and boring. We chose to do shadows as it's quiet different so can relate to their being two different sides to Jack and how his personality is quite