Friday 27 January 2017

Final products - digipack

This is our final digi pack for our album cover. We made a lot of changes to this compared to how it looks in the beginning. We changed the font to make it look a lot clearer and easier to read, but we still wanted the grafitti effect so it linked in with our star persona of a skater boy, and our genre of hip hop / R&B. Furthermore, we changed the colour of the spine to grey as we felt like it linked everything together as most panels in our digipack are black and white with a splash of colour, to link to the theme of divided and having two personalities. The colour represents the more city/urban side to our character, whereas the black and white links to the more quiet/skater boy side.
Overall, we wanted our digipack to really portray our star persona to our audience, which we felt we've done well and our digipack also links in with our music video, as we use the same locations. For example, the top left panel was taken in sutton skate park and we also used this in our music video. Similarly, the top left panel was taken in Leake Street, London which was another location that we also used within our music video.

Final products - advertisement

This is our final advertisement. We improved this from our previous advertisements by adding in stars and other well known music companies like vevo and apple music, as it makes it look a lot more professional. We also added in a PNG of a city skylineto show the divison between the city and the skateer boy life, by having graffiti in the background and also having our title in a graffiti font. Our advertisement links with our digipack as we used the same photo for one of the panels, to portray our artists persona aswell as featuring the same location of Leake Street in London. It also links in with our music video as again we used the same location as London communicates our star image very well, as the graffiti links to our image of  a skater boy.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Advertisement: first draft

This is our first draft for our advertisement. The only problem with this is the skateboard photo isn't our own and it looks too much like a shoe advertisement rather than a music video advertisement. To improve this we're going to take our own photos and add Jack in it so it links more to our artist. We are also going to add social media links to it, to make it look more professional.
The font goes well with our advertisement as it's quite plain and simple yet has some dimension to it. We put our artist name in a smaller size as we wanted the name of our album to be the main focus of the advertisement.
Furthermore, we're not sure if we're going to keep the stamp, yet if we do we will make our own grafitti stencils, take a photo of it and maybe change the coloue as the red looks a bit out of place.
EBI - we need to make it look less like a shoe advertisement and more of a music video advertisement. We are going to improve this by re-creating it as a photo of jack, with graffiti within it, so it links to our music video as well as portraying our artists persona.

Final Products - music video

This is our final music video to the song No Diggity by Chet Faker. We decided on this song as we thought it would go well to the theme of having two personalities, which we wanted our video to be based on. One side of our character is a quiet skater boy who keeps himselp to himself, whereas the other side of him is quite adventurous and likes the city life. To represent the skater boy side to him we filmed at Leake Street in London and Sutton skate park as we felt the graffiti and location really linked to this. For the other more adventurous side of him we filmed in central London around the London Eye and other well known landmarks. We chose central London to portray the 'busy' lifestyle of a businessman. We felt like the contrast on these two personalities were shown really well throw the use of different locations as well as costume changes.