Friday 27 January 2017

Final products - digipack

This is our final digi pack for our album cover. We made a lot of changes to this compared to how it looks in the beginning. We changed the font to make it look a lot clearer and easier to read, but we still wanted the grafitti effect so it linked in with our star persona of a skater boy, and our genre of hip hop / R&B. Furthermore, we changed the colour of the spine to grey as we felt like it linked everything together as most panels in our digipack are black and white with a splash of colour, to link to the theme of divided and having two personalities. The colour represents the more city/urban side to our character, whereas the black and white links to the more quiet/skater boy side.
Overall, we wanted our digipack to really portray our star persona to our audience, which we felt we've done well and our digipack also links in with our music video, as we use the same locations. For example, the top left panel was taken in sutton skate park and we also used this in our music video. Similarly, the top left panel was taken in Leake Street, London which was another location that we also used within our music video.

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