Saturday 18 June 2016

Rock Music Video Analysis 1:

Rock Music Video Analysis:

0:20 - The use of low-key lighting makes the song seem a lot more sad and allows them to flow together as at this moment the song is slow.
0:46 - Cross-cutting from different locations, allows the music video to stay interesting and for the audience to keep wanting to carry on watching.
0:51 - The use of a close-up allows the audience to see the girl's facial expressions and see looks upset so we feel sympathy for her and allows us to emotional connect with her and feel apart of the video.
0:59 - The different colours of lighting gives the video a lot of dimension and energy.
1:06-08 - The main singer is wearing all black clothing which can link to the song title of 'Demons' and normally we would associate the colour black with demons and supernatural.
1:21 - The first location is at a concert which can allow the audience to feel like they were actually there and if they were there, it can show that Imagine Dragons appreciate their fans, so they're making a whole video around them.
2:11 - establishing shot of the audience can give us a real feel of the location and also allows the audience to feel involved.
2:36 - Montage editing through out the whole of the video. Can make the story line more understandable and make it more intriguing to watch.
2:51 - Extreme close-up, can show us that they're lip syncing which portrays they're professional and it pulls the audience in as they're more encouraged to sing.
3:05 - Black out, indicates the video is over but also gives it a softer ending than going straight to black.

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