Tuesday 29 November 2016

Filming #5 - Sutton Skate Park

On the 25th November we filmed lip-syncing shots and establishing shots of our new location, Sutton skate park. We decided to shoot in a different location as we felt like our video needed something else, so adding a new location which linked into our genre made it all come together. These shots are very clear and in focus, meaning we now have more shots to fill up the spaces where the arcade shots were.

 These are a few examples of the shots we filmed at Sutton skate park. The one at the top is of Jack sitting on top of the skate rink. We decided to film the lip-syncing in front of the graffiti as we thought it fitted in with the style of a skater boy and having different colours, made the shot stand out and will hopefully entice the audience.
Our second shot was of the branches with yellow leaves on it. I took this shot as part of an establishing shot, to show the artists location and his surroundings. This shot is in focus and looks very sharp when viewed in our video. The last shot is of Jack lip-syncing in front of the sun. Having the sun disappear and re-appear by Jack standing in front of it, shows different use of lighting and shadows and gives the shot a lot of definition and detail. The shot also shows a lot of nature within the background, but having Jack in the middle portrays he's the main focus of the shot.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Editing #4 - developing our first draft

On the 25th November, we developed our first draft by deleting and adding in different shots. We decided to delete the whole arcade scenes, as we didn't think it really linked with the whole storyline and thought it was a bit out of place and didn't connect with the rest of the shots. Instead, we added in shots of Jack at the Sutton Skate Park, as we thought adding in a new location would fit better with the skater boy look, than having some random arcade scenes that didn't really make sense. Furthermore, we added some more shots of Jack lip-syncing as we didn't think we had enough. This allows the audience to feel more connected with our artist as they'll know exactly what is happening throughout the whole of the video. To improve, we want to add in more shots of Jack, but different angles; we need some more close-up shots, to show his facial expressions and body language. We are going to do this by having Jack stand in front of a whiteboard, and have a pattern projected onto his face. This is going to create shadows and will portray the different use of lighting and colour.

These are a few of the shots we took to re-place the arcade scene. I think these shots look better as they fit better with our theme of a skater boy; the arcade looked good but didn't really make sense with the storyline and this could of confused some people, so we just decided to remove it.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Filming #4 - New Location

We have decided to film some more shots but in a different location as we weren't happy with some of the shots we shot at London and we wanted to mix it up by adding in a third location.
This location is going to be Sutton skate park. We chose this, to highlight the fact our artist is a skater boy and we wanted some more skater shots, but did't want to keep going to the same one in London, so we chose Sutton instead. Sutton is a lot easier and quicker to get to, on bus it would take us around 10 minutes to get there.

Music Video First Draft


  • Our lip-syncing shots match up to the song
  • We have a lot of establishing shots, to allow the audience to connect with where our artist is
  • Most of our shots are still and in focus
  • The location and costume shots represent our artist's star image to our audeince
  • The genre we are trying to communicate is illustrated well in our first draft 
  • Some of our shots are out of focus i.e. the oyster one, so we need to re-shoot that
  • More shots are needed towards the end of the musi video to show our artist leaving London and to make the end of our music video a lot clearer. 
  • We need to make sure we have a range of lip-sycning shots in different places throughout the whole of the music video as at the moment, our lip-syncing shots are quite long, which could get boring and repetitive.

To improve our first draft, we are going to shoot some more lip-syncing shots with a shadow on Jack's face to create different lighting techniques and to improve the aesthetics of our video. We are also going to re-shoot some London shots and take more shots of Jack, as our video at the moment consits more of establishing shots rather than of our artist.

Editing #3 - First Draft

On the 21 November we stayed behind after school to complete our first draft of our music video as it was due in for the beginning of next week. We added a lot more lip-syncing and establishing shots to allow the audience to be able to connect with our artist, by knowing what he's doing and where he is throughout the whole music video. 
We also added in some of the skate park shots and added some reverse effect to them. We did this, to make the shots look a lot more interesting and allow the audience to keep being intrigued.
In addition to this, we also cut a lot of shots down and also cut them to the beat. Cutting the shots to the beat, makes the sound a lot more crisp and professional, as when the beat happens, the shot changes; this makes the video look put together and in a nice flow. By the use of fast and slow paced-shots, hopefully this will represent our target audience of being teenagers / youth as it can portray their lifestyle and how busy it can be, by the use of the skate park and arcade locations.

Friday 18 November 2016

Editing #2 - Adding in more shots

Our next editing session consisted of re-doing the beginning of it as we weren't happy with how it looked last time. We changed our beginning by adding in more establishing shots to set the location of our music video. We thought this looked better as it sets the rest of the music video up based on our location rather than based on our artist.
We then also synced up the lip-syncing parts and started adding in parts of the arcade shots. We edited some of these shots by adding the 'warp stabiliser' effect on them to decrease the shakiness of them as they were hand held. These made our shots look a lot better as they now look a lot more professional and neat.
Our arcade shots are going to be out around the end of the song, to show that our artist travelled up to London, went to the skate park, then to Leake Street and then the arcade was one of the last things he did. We put it last as we thought it would make the video more interesting to have something fun and colorful to end the music video on.

Overall, our editing session went well. The only things we mainly have to do now before our first draft on Tuesday is put all our shots in the correct order of the song and make sure the lip-syncing is perfect. We also need to cut down sonme shots as we have over 100 shots still to edit and add in. 

Monday 14 November 2016

Editing #1 - Creating our sequence

On the 8th November we started editing our music video. Firstly, we went through all the shots we had and deleted the ones we didn't need as we had either already re-shot them or we just didn't need them anymore, this allowed us to sort our the shots we did need and focus on them, rather than the ones we weren't going to use. After, we added them into Premiere Pro and started syncing up Jack's lip-syncing with the actually song (No Diggity by Chet Faker).  These lip-syncing shots were filmed in Leake Street on the 4th November. We thought this was a good place to film the lip-syncing shots, as the location with the grafitti and dark lighting made it look quite rebellious which was the look our artist is going for.

Filming #3 - Location shots

On the 11th November we shot some more establishing shots of locations. We went around the roads that Jack lives near and shot some there, so we had a range of location shots instead of them all being in London. Although our music video is set / the main location is in London, we wanted to get some more shots around Jack's house so the audience can connect with more personal things to do with our artist; and we thought shooting some establishing shots would be good for that.
We got a few shots with light leaks in it from the sun to also add a range of lighting to our music video. We also took some shots of leaves and spiderwebs as it really sets the time that we shot our video in; so around autumn and winter time and that will now be portrayed to our audience.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Filming #2 - Leake Street

On Friday 4th of Novmber we went to Leake Street to film some shots of the graffiti tunnel and to get some more shots of Jack lip-syncing. We decided to change the location as before we were going to film Jack lip-syncing on the train but you could see Owen's reflection in the window.
We also re-shot some underground shots as most of them were out of focus or shaky. We fixed this by using a tripod and putting the camera on auto-focus. This allowed our shots to be a lot more sharp.
Our filming went well as we got a lot of shots re-done and allowed us to get them more in focus and less shaky than before. However, at the end of the day around 2 o'clock it started raining which effected us from filming anything else. This didnt effect us majorly as we had already filmed around 40 shots.

Post production log:

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Filming #1 - Jack's house and London

On the 21st of October we filmed at Jack's house and we filmed all the shots we planned to do. However, we are going to have to re-shoot some of these shots as the lighting is very dark and just overall makes the shots look bad. To improve the lighting at Jack's house we are going to use some professional lighting to allow our shots to look a lot brighter.

On the 24th of October we filmed in London but some of our shots didn't turn out exactly how we wanted them to. Some of them were out of focus or very shaky. To improve this on Friday 4th of November we are going back to London to re-shoot these shots; to make sure they're not shaky we're going to use a tripod and a figrig. Also, to make sure it's in focus we are going to put the camera on auto focus, which will hopefully be more reliable on making our shots more sharp and in focus.

Furthermore, on the 4th of November we are also planning on going to Leake Street, London, to film some more lip-syncing shots and establishing shots.

Star image audience feedback

The video we're going to show them before they answer the questionnaire: