Tuesday 8 November 2016

Filming #2 - Leake Street

On Friday 4th of Novmber we went to Leake Street to film some shots of the graffiti tunnel and to get some more shots of Jack lip-syncing. We decided to change the location as before we were going to film Jack lip-syncing on the train but you could see Owen's reflection in the window.
We also re-shot some underground shots as most of them were out of focus or shaky. We fixed this by using a tripod and putting the camera on auto-focus. This allowed our shots to be a lot more sharp.
Our filming went well as we got a lot of shots re-done and allowed us to get them more in focus and less shaky than before. However, at the end of the day around 2 o'clock it started raining which effected us from filming anything else. This didnt effect us majorly as we had already filmed around 40 shots.

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