Sunday 27 November 2016

Editing #4 - developing our first draft

On the 25th November, we developed our first draft by deleting and adding in different shots. We decided to delete the whole arcade scenes, as we didn't think it really linked with the whole storyline and thought it was a bit out of place and didn't connect with the rest of the shots. Instead, we added in shots of Jack at the Sutton Skate Park, as we thought adding in a new location would fit better with the skater boy look, than having some random arcade scenes that didn't really make sense. Furthermore, we added some more shots of Jack lip-syncing as we didn't think we had enough. This allows the audience to feel more connected with our artist as they'll know exactly what is happening throughout the whole of the video. To improve, we want to add in more shots of Jack, but different angles; we need some more close-up shots, to show his facial expressions and body language. We are going to do this by having Jack stand in front of a whiteboard, and have a pattern projected onto his face. This is going to create shadows and will portray the different use of lighting and colour.

These are a few of the shots we took to re-place the arcade scene. I think these shots look better as they fit better with our theme of a skater boy; the arcade looked good but didn't really make sense with the storyline and this could of confused some people, so we just decided to remove it.

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