Friday 18 November 2016

Editing #2 - Adding in more shots

Our next editing session consisted of re-doing the beginning of it as we weren't happy with how it looked last time. We changed our beginning by adding in more establishing shots to set the location of our music video. We thought this looked better as it sets the rest of the music video up based on our location rather than based on our artist.
We then also synced up the lip-syncing parts and started adding in parts of the arcade shots. We edited some of these shots by adding the 'warp stabiliser' effect on them to decrease the shakiness of them as they were hand held. These made our shots look a lot better as they now look a lot more professional and neat.
Our arcade shots are going to be out around the end of the song, to show that our artist travelled up to London, went to the skate park, then to Leake Street and then the arcade was one of the last things he did. We put it last as we thought it would make the video more interesting to have something fun and colorful to end the music video on.

Overall, our editing session went well. The only things we mainly have to do now before our first draft on Tuesday is put all our shots in the correct order of the song and make sure the lip-syncing is perfect. We also need to cut down sonme shots as we have over 100 shots still to edit and add in. 

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